Michael Wimble
1144 Snowberry Court, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 739-6114
email: mike at wimble.org
web site: www.wimble.org

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I am currently consulting, studying new technologies, building a prototype for a consumer wireless device, and writing a book. I would like a position as a technologist, or an opportunity to manage a small team.


Senior staff engineer
Sun Microsystems, Menlo Park, California 2000–2002

Senior engineer, web indexer group
AltaVista, San Mateo, California 1998–2000

Winbond Systems Laboratory, San Jose, California 1998

Senior Engineer
Newton, Inc., Cupertino, California 1997–1998

Senior engineer
Apple Computer, Cupertino, California 1996–1997

Chief architect
Taligent, Cupertino, California 1992–1996

Principle engineer
Rational, Santa Clara, California 1987–1992

Manager of the languages and environment group
Ebnek, Inc., Wichita, Kansas 1985–1986

Apollo Computers, Chelmsford, Massachusetts 1983–1985
Iowa Mountain Software, Hiawatha, Iowa 1981–1983
Legal Data System, Houston, Texas 1977–1982
Wimble Robotics, Marion, Iowa 1977–1983


Five software patents for my work in the design of the Taligent “cpProfessional” debugger product.

The patents cover the architecture and components involved in portable, cross machine debugging; the grammar used to communicate between the compiler and debugger—particularly how the compiler describes the effects of code optimization; and the goal-directed problem solving paradigm used in the core.


Ada, ALGOL, APL, Assembly (various), BASIC, C, C++, CLOS, COBOL, FORTRAN, DHTML, DOM, HTML, Java, Javascript, Lisp, Modula-2, NesC, Pascal, Perl, Php, PL/1, Prolog, RPG, SmallTalk, SMPL, SNOBOL 3, XHTML, XML, XPATH, XSLT, WML


1750A, 2901 family, 74S482 family, Apollo Systems, Atmel Atmega 128, DEC Alpha, DEC PDP-8I, DEC PDP-10, DEC VAX, Fairchild F8, HP 9000, IBM 1130, IBM 360/44, IBM 370/145, IBM 370/168, IBM PC, IBM PowerPC, IBM System 3, IBM Rs6000, Intel 8008, Intel 808x, Intel 80x86, MOS Technology 6502, Motorola 6800, Motorola 6809, Motorola 680x0, National 32000, National COPS, National SCAMP, Rational R1000, TI 9900, Wang 720C, WD Pascal Microengine, Xerox Sigma 6


BS in mathematics with electronics minor, University of Vermont. Partial completion of Master's degree program at Wichita State University.

Various courses in J2EE and XML.